eBook Purchase Options

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Below is a list of the eBook Purchase Options available within Advanced Search. 
  • Multi-User - Multiple users can access the title at once. Title does not expire. 
  • Multi-User 1 Year - Multiple users can access the title at once. Title expires one year after purchase.
  • Single-User - One user can access the title at a time. Title does not expire. 
  • Single-User 26 Circ - Title expires after 26 circulations. One user can access the title at a time.
  • Single-User 30 Circ - Title expires after 30 circulations. One user can access the title at a time.
  • Single-User 35 Circ - Title expires after 35 circulations. One user can access the title at a time.
  • Single-User 60 Days - Title expires after 60 days, no matter the number of circulations. One user can access the title at a time.
  • Single-User 90 Days - Title expires after 90 days, no matter the number of circulations. One user can access the title at a time.
  • Single-User 180 Days - Title expires after 180 days, no matter the number of circulations. One user can access the title at a time.
  • Single-User 1 Year - Title expires after one year, no matter the number of circulations. One user can access the title at a time.
  • Single-User 2 Years - Title expires after two years, no matter the number of circulations. One user can access the title at a time.
  • Single-User 2 Years / 24 - Title expires after two years, or 24 circulations, whichever occurs first. Only user can access the title at a time.
  • Single-User 2 Years / 25 - Title expires after two years, or 25 circulations, whichever occurs first. Only user can access the title at a time.
  • Single-User 2 Years / 52 - Title expires after two years, or 52 circulations, whichever occurs first. Only user can access the title at a time.
  • Single-User 3 Years - Title expires after three years, no matter the number of circulations. Only one user can access the title at a time. 
  • Single-User 5 Years - Title expires after five years, no matter the number of circulations. Only one user can access the title at a time.