BISAC Browsing

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A list of all main BISAC subject headings displays. BISAC is an industry-approved list of subject descriptors. The descriptor itself consists of two, three, or four levels. There are more than 50 major sections, such as COMPUTERS, FICTION, HISTORY, and TRUE CRIME. Within each major section are a number of detailed descriptors that represent sub-topics. For example, the descriptor representing general African history is HISTORY / Africa / General.

BISAC browsing page

This page contains links for all major First-Level subject headings, as well as links for the first four Second-Level subjects headings. Click on a link to view all titles for a subject on the Search Results page or to drill down to the next level of subjects.

BISAC example

First Level Subject Link
- Click to view all titles for a First-Level subject heading on the Search Results page.

Second Level Subject Link - Click to view all titles for a Second-Level subject heading on the Search Results page. Click the More link to reveal more Second-Level subject headings.