Advanced Search

Use our Advanced Search page to create specific, targeted searches.

Click on the Advanced Search link, located in the header of every page in the system. 

advanced search link

Advanced Search is broken down into three categories: Books, Music, and Movies. Click on a tab name to search for that product type. 

advanced search tabs


Search Terms

At the top of the screen, enter the Search Terms you would like to use in your Advanced Search. To generate more precise search results, use the Begins With, Contains, Ends With, and Exact refiners You can combine two or more rows of search terms by using the Boolean Operators And, Or, and Not selections as well. Using the search refiners will initiate a keyword search only; titles that contain the string of consecutive letters will not generate within the search results.

If you need more than the initial four rows for Search Terms, click Add More Terms to generate a new row.

An asterisk (*) is a multiple character wildcard. A question mark is a wildcard that signifies a one-character variable; e.g., L?S yields titles containing both Los Angeles and Las Vegas.


search terms



Use the Filters section to refine your search further. Click on a Filter Name to bring up an associated pop-up window. In the example below, the Format pop-up displays for Books. From here, you can select and deselect the formats you wish to include in your Advanced Search. Click Add to add those Formats.

format search

Your selected filters display on the Advanced Search page when you save them. To easily remove a filter, click the X next to the filter in question.

remove a filter

Some filters require you to enter text to find what you want. For example, to find Large Print books, enter the word Large in the Edition field, and then select either Large Print or Larger Print to search for those editions. To find a different Edition, begin entering the first few letters of what you are searching for; the field will automatically begin displaying results that match your keywords.

large print